Current To-Do list

As evidenced by how long it took me to even push out this site, and it needing external influence to make it happen, I wanted to post my current to-do list for this site so it’d publically viewable. In no particular order

  • A list of YouTube channels

  • Adding links to the “where to play online” for role-playing game resources, rather than just focusing on boardgames

  • Potentially consolidating the existing lists from the previous blog post into a single list, with links to BGG, but without stepping on the original creator’s toes

  • Asking people if they want to join the TTFN team

  • Working out how to post blog entries to FB and Twitter

  • Potentially creating “how to play”/rule explanation content starting from the very, very basics that often get overlooked by people already immersed in the hobby

  • List of games and how they can be pimped up or shrunk down in official and unofficial ways

  • SSL - so the site is at https (because good internet hygiene is important)


Hastily posted links found elsewhere!