This is Just the Start!
For many years I’ve had the idea of a general board-gaming website. I’ve wanted to put together a place to link all of the various resources that exist, to help support a hobby I’ve been passionate about all my life.
The big problem, of course, is that it’s far easier to have the idea than it is to execute it, so I didn’t do anything with the idea for a very long time.
Finally I got round to buying a domain name hoping that I wouldn’t just sit on the idea once I’d started to put money towards it.
That was, however, back in 2018!
Then, at the start of 2020 I left my job which would have been fine, except that it seems that simultaneously the entire world went into lockdown because of the novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2, which causes Covid-19). Not only is the lockdown making it hard to start a new job, but, as almost all my socialising revolves around board-gaming, it also meant that social-distancing very nearly became social isolation. Luckily there are lots of places to play board games online these days, and those, combined with group voice or video conversations, meant that I could stay sociable with my friends.
I wanted to start collating the information about the places to play online, the games that are on Steam, and I realised that this time to myself was the ideal opportunity to create TTFN.
So, hello, and welcome to the TableTop Fan Network.
I’m phyphor and I’ve been a boardgamer all my life.
I hope that if you’re not already a fan of TableTop games you give this site the opportunity to convert you, and, of course, if you are a fan that you find this site a useful resource.